Showing posts with label property finance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label property finance. Show all posts

Financial Performance in Investment Property

Analyse Financial Performance Part 1

When looking at a commercial property of any kind that you need to spend time in the financial aspects of the property before forming an opinion on the price you think you can get. The financial aspects of the property can have a big impact on the price and not the interests of buyers. The financial aspects of a building or property can affect active for many years and for this reason, must be analyzed and identified.

We have detailed some of the key aspects of financial participation in the purchase of goods or sales scenarios. While these are not the only areas of life and concern, are the most important in most circumstances.

We recommend that you create a list of these items for your review and inspection of the property is much better and professional process.
1- Bank Guarantees : An investment property includes leases and other documents that support the tenant occupancy . A process of regular rental and involve creating a sort of guarantee to be provided by the lessee to the lessor during the lease term. It is important that this guarantee strength and substance to reimburse the landlord in situations where failure of the tenant under the lease. At the time of sale of the property , the security documents must have some sort of ability to transfer or re-issued to the next buyer. This process is known as a collateral assignment . You should consult your own lawyer to identify the types of implied warranties and the ease with which this can be achieved at the time of sale.
2- The schedules of assets : The property contains many movable and immovable property . These are usually listed in the asset register . A well maintained commercial space will be an asset register for consideration . Obtaining registration of assets in the early stages of considering selling is productive because it tells in detail what sells and later became part of the due diligence process . 
3-  Tax and GST : Each country and location of the property has its own unique tax laws and requirements relating to the particular property and real estate investment. In the sales process , it is important to understand that these issues are properly addressed and updated . Sometimes you need to access the net benefits of the property in recent years been applied to tax returns and filing process. You can also request written confirmation from the owner of the property that all tax matters are ongoing.
4- Capital Expenditures : Key of assets that are replaced in a commercial property are generally considered capital expenditures and are detailed for tax purposes and depreciation for a period of time. Tax laws where states repayment terms that apply to different types of capital expenditure. For example , a team that is purchased for the control system of the building will depreciate much faster than the air handling unit , which was bought by the factory air conditioning . Records properly maintained property include a detailed record of expenditures and assets when the goods were acquired. Property buyers will be interested in this case is against depreciation cash flow in the coming years .
5- Independent Evaluation : Many owners get a regular assessment to support the financing of the property package. It is not uncommon that each year these assessments occur . Mainly carried out by a qualified and accredited expert . If you see this documentation and taken into account in the assessment of the property, it is convenient to consider the true independence of the evaluation has been done and its relevance to today's market . Some assessments for funding can not be on par with the current market conditions . Penalty may seek a truly independent assessment at the time of sale or preparation for sale. 
6- Income and income analysis : The property income is a reflection of leases and occupancy of these permits. It is essential to understand that the rent was collected pursuant to leases or licenses, and that all questions are current rental . Part of this process also involves checking the profile of rent review and lease maturity profile. A volatile property with a lease or leases that are about to expire is likely to affect the price or buyer interest . By examining the occupancy rate against tenants leases must examine the original documents and overlap that the leasing program and any discussion or information provided by the owner. 
7- Lease disputes : It is rare property that has no existing lease dispute has been affected by a conflict of previous lease . For this reason , it is useful to consider the grounds of challenge and resolution of the lease. If in doubt , ask for a copy of the correspondence and any subsequent agreement between the parties concerned . Disputes unresolved rental can jeopardize or delay the process of selling the property. 
8-  The issues of property tax : property tax on land has a direct impact on aspects of commercial real estate investment . In different places , recovery and payment of property taxes is affected only by local law . In some cases , property taxes may or may not be recovered from the tenants to the property. This will have an immediate impact on the income statement and the net income of the property, which affects the price . Consult your financial advisor for the owner of the building or the tax administration will achieve clarity in the tax incidence . Like most agents and brokers are not tax experts , others must involve tax professionals , as appropriate .
 9- Operating Expenses: Operating a commercial property involved in operating expenses due to operating costs. Most of the properties of different types in the same location have similar operating costs. However, if a property has excessive operating expenses , higher than the average in the region , the property is likely to be difficult to sell. Most property buyers include the average expenditure on buildings that are considered realistic for each property. This also indicates that real estate agents and brokers must be aware of the average costs and the process of analysis to be applied in this situation. Operating expenses are analyzed on the basis of $ ' s per m2 or $' s per m2 ( depending on your location, the monetary base, and country)
10- Leisure mortgaged : Most commercial mortgage real estate properties will have some sort of financial support. When there is a mortgage, you must understand how it is handled or unloaded in the sales process. The client should consult the mortgagee to clarify these questions for you. In a situation of distressed properties , the sale of the property may be required to achieve a given before clear title can be reached price.

Commercial Property

When evaluating commercial real estate, you need to understand financial factors création That property. Quebec This is before the price of the property or the proper considération for purchase. By doing so, aucune only financial factors today That you need to look at, but also a Those Who have made ​​the history of the property in the recent time.When evaluating commercial real estate, you need to understand financial factors création That property. Quebec This is before the price of the property or the proper considération for purchase. By doing so, aucune only financial factors today That you need to look at, but also a Those Who have made ​​the history of the property in the recent time.

In this case, THE DEFINITION OF "recently" is the last three or four years. It's amazing how the property owners try to manipulate revenue and construction costs at the time of the sale, but pas au Québec however can easily change the history of the property and this is where you can discover many secrets of ownership.Once the history and current performance of the property fully understood, it may refer to the accuracy of the current costs of operating budget. All investment properties must operate at a budget that is given monthly and quarterly monitoring.

The quarterly monitoring process allows for adjustments to the budget when unusual items of income and expense are obvious. There is no need to continue with the budget property that is increasingly out of balance with the actual performance of the property. Fund managers typically perform complex properties on a quarterly fiscal adjustment. The same principle can and should be applied to private investors.

So now look at the major areas of financial analysis, you can focus on the evaluation of the property:
  1. A program of leasing must be the origin of goods and fully tested. What you want here is an accurate summary of the occupation of the current lease and paid rent. Both interesting lease are very specific and not a day in many cases. This is a common industry problem resulting from the lack of care by the owner or property manager to maintain a rental calendar folders. For this reason, the accuracy of the leasing program at the time of sale of the property must be carefully checked with the original documentation.
  2. Documentation of ownership reflected in all kinds of occupation must come. This documentation is generally leases, licenses of occupation, and parallel agreements with tenants. You should expect that part of the document has not been registered in the title. The lawyers are very familiar with the persecution of all property documents and you know the right questions to ask the previous owner. If in doubt, do extensive due diligence process with your lawyer before an agreement is reached. Commercial Property  Commercial Property
  3. Rental guarantees and obligations of all lease documents should be obtained and documented. These cases protect the owner at the time of default by the lessee. There must be a new owner of the property at the time of settlement of the property. How this is achieved will be subject to the rent deposit or bond and may even mean that the guarantee must be reissued at the time of the sale and liquidation of a new owner. Proponents of the new owner (s) usually check it and provide resolution methods at the time of sale. Especially, warranty and rental coupons must be legally established by the new owner of the building under the existing lease documentation.
  4. Understanding the type of rent charged by the property is essential to the performance of the property. In one property with multiple tenants is common for a variety of locations to the load via the various sites. This means that the gross and net leases may be evident in the same property and have a different impact on the position of the charge to the owner. The only way to assess and analyze the location of the property is to read all leases in detail.Commercial Property Commercial Property
  5. Charges pending seeking the property must be the next part of your analysis. These charges usually stem from the municipality and the rating process. It could be that special charges were grown on the property as a special tax for sealing.
  6. Expenses include the cost of properties in the region is essential for their own analysis of the property. What you need to do is compare the average costs for similar goods locally to the property in question is involved. There must be parity or similarity between the specific properties of the same class. If a property has considerably higher costs for any reason, then that must be identified before considering any sale or the value of the property. Property buyers do not want to buy something that is a financial burden disbursements above industry averages.
  7. The amortization plan for the property must be maintained each year so that his party can be integrated into any marketing strategy of the property at that time. Depreciation is available for property income can be reduced and therefore lower taxes paid by the owner. It is normal that the counter for the owner to compile the annual tax amortization schedule time.
  8. Fees and taxes paid on goods must be identified and understood. They are very focused on the evaluation of the City's property. The time of the evaluation board is usually every two or three years and will have a significant impact on the duties and taxes paid in the tax year. Owners should expect reasonable rating climbs in the years property valuation must be performed. It is good to check when the next assessment of the property in the area should be carried out by the local council.
  9. The evaluation of the study site and waiting areas of the property should be revised or undertake. It is common differences found in this process. You should also look at the extra space in the field of joint construction can be reversed with a lease lease new space initiative. This extra space is a strategic advantage to renew or extend the property.
  10. In the analysis of cash flow statement, you should look for the impact that the results of incentives to reduce rent and vacancies. It is quite common for rent reductions to occur at the beginning of the rental lease as an incentive. When you find it, the supporting documentation should be from incitement and examined the accuracy and the continued impact of cash flows. You do not want to buy a property to find that your cash flow is reduced each year an existing sharing agreement. If there are these incentive arrangements, it is desirable to get the current owner to reject or modify the impact of incentives at the time of the settlement of the property. In other words, the current owner should compensate the new owner of the property of the discomfort that the incentive created in the future of the property.
  11. The current lease is to be compared to market rents in the area. It may be that the rent is out of balance on the rental market in the region. If this is the case, it is helpful to understand the impact it will create in the leasing of new surfaces of vacancies as well as negotiating new leases with existing tenants.
  12. The threat to the rental market down on rent review time can be a real problem in this slower market. If the property is next control provisions of the rental market, then leases should be evaluated to determine if the rent can be left to the opinion of the current market. Sometimes, renting has special conditions that may prevent lower rents even if the surroundings did. Called "ratchet clauses of these terms, concluding that the process of" ratchet "stops from lower income market. Be careful, however, that certain minor laws against property and other may prevent the use or application of the "ratchet clause. In doubt see a good property lawyer.
So what are some of the key financial elements to consider when evaluating a commercial investment property. Take the time to analyze both the income and expenses on the property before making a choice that the final price of the good or acquisition.
Commercial Property Commercial Property


Investment Property Insurance

 Have an Investment Property? Insure It

 Everyone knows now that the security of a principal residence is crucial, as it saves the owners of pocket costs to replace damaged items after fires, natural disasters or other catastrophes. Home Insurance has been a lifesaver for many people to count, and is very trusted by millions. But what many people do not necessarily see a property insurance may not be your primary residence, or may be occupied only seasonally, or tenants. These properties, which are often of investment and retirement are just as likely to damage, however, need insurance and care.


If you have a property that is intended as a retirement home, your first concern about this insurance is probably not immediately. These properties are often long-term investments, which may include the construction or renovation on the road with heavy mortgages already paying on. Another expense of a home that do not even live in perhaps the farthest thing from his mind. But the truth is that future retirement properties need insurance just as much, if not more, are current residences. The properties that remain unoccupied during all or part of the year, as future retirement properties have the potential to develop problems and issues that are not primary residences. If there are problems with plumbing or electricity in the house where he lives full time, you will notice immediately. But if you do not face these problems every day, you may never know existed. This raises the possibility of an electrical fire or burst pipes in vacant homes and thereby increases the need for good home insurance to help solve these problems.

For those who can not yet be planning for retirement, but may have vacation properties beyond their primary residence, insurance is just as important. Most vacation homes are located in beautiful and scenic places: at the beach, in the mountains, near a river. And of course, one of the first things you can think of these places are specific natural disasters. The beaches have hurricanes, snowstorms mountains and the rivers swell beyond their banks. If you are an owner of a holiday home, you've probably thought about these things, and secured against it. But did you also thought about the possibility of theft occurring in homes constantly busy? However, as retirement properties, the possibility of electrical, plumbing and construction problems? If you are like many, you are unsure of your main concerns, and you can not be completely protected if this happens. A good insurance policy will cover all the bases when it comes to the needs of holiday homes.In the market economy and the current home can be one of the millions of Americans who own a home that is rented on a full time or part time. These days, when families have to travel to employment opportunities, to be closer to family, or inherit property not intend to live, the most sensible option is to rent the property often. And because sometimes it can take years for home sales, and the need for a steady flow of cash from the home, more and more people become owners. And while many tenants have chosen to hire renter's insurance for your own business, it is also a good idea for homeowners to be insured as well. If you own, it is wise to study insurance plans that cover not only the house, but outbuildings on the property, as well as tools, equipment, accessories and furniture you have, but allows tenants to use. Some companies also offer coverage for loss of rent if damage occurs by forcing tenants to move, leaving you without rental income.The homeowner insurance usual, of course, essential, and should not be overlooked. But if you're one of the millions of people who have secondary properties, please do not neglect your insurance needs extended. In the case of retirement properties, vacation homes and rental off the right home insurance coverage can save your financial life.

Investment Property - Finding Discounted Properties

Investment Property - The future

Investment property is still a popular form of investment for the future. Some chose investment property as a way to finance tuition fees in the future. Others may opt for investment property to help secure a strong financial future, fund additional acquisitions of capital goods, or simply can choose real estate investment as a way to create passive income depends not only on your regular job.

Investment Property - interest rates

Despite recent increases in interest rates, the real estate investment market in the UK remains strong. There are a number of reasons why real estate investments in the United Kingdom remains a serious competitor in the investment market. The real estate investment market in the UK has experienced a high level of growth, especially in the last six years. But historically, the property in the UK has doubled every 10-15 years. In recent years the UK has seen a dramatic increase in real estate investment and incentives for homeowners and investors who saw some investors buying investment property in the UK for a maximum time and over 20% of discount. This represents a significant savings for a real estate investor in several investment properties and subject to supply the best buy to let mortgage products for these operations of real estate investment, which can lead to a real estate investor with the opportunity to buy investment property with little or no deposit.

Investment Property - Special Search

Looking for a good investment property developers with real discounts can be a tedious exercise. It is important to determine if the discount is offered for real estate investment is real or if the oil price is inflated in real estate investing to activate the discount. To establish whether this is a real discount investment property by obtaining other comparable investment properties recently sold and at what price. Note that some investors may negotiate better discounts on investment goods than others. This may be because the amount of investment or has acquired the promoter or the number of investment properties they intend to buy. Equally important is to establish what the rental figure will probably be the investment property as it often determines the total amount of loan you can get in buy to let mortgage investment properties.

Property Investment Hotspots

If an investor is looking for investment properties in the property hot spots or areas that experience high levels of regeneration, it may require to finance a higher level of trust for real estate investment in the beginning, while the number of rent is relatively lower than the market average of a new investment to build the same property value in another field. Real estate investors with an investment property long term always see this as a positive action to bring your portfolio of real estate in the knowledge that the regeneration zone becomes more developed, the potential demand for rental housing investment property will increase the amount that you will use this time to look for new investment property mortgage to release capital had also funded. Normally, a buy to let mortgage for an investment property real estate investors require to finance at least 15%. While some buy to let mortgage lenders offer up to 90% buy to let mortgages on investment properties.

Homeowners insurance

Why do we need homeowners insurance?

homeowners insurance

 Buying homeowners insurance is like buying car insurance:

you want and need extra protection for your property if it is damaged or someone is injured on the property. As car insurance, the type of home insurance that you buy in large part determine what you pay. It's a worthwhile investment and in many cases, required if you live in areas prone to natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, wildfires and earthquakes zones.

In general, owners will buy two types of home insurance:

insurance risks and liability insurance. Risk insurance protects your home from accidental damage or destruction. This includes covering the costs of repairs and lost contents vandalism, storms and fires. However, keep in mind the risk of insurance, the insurance company will refund the original price paid for a lost object. For example, if you paid $ 500 for a dining table that was purchased 10 years ago, your insurance company will not pay $ 500. Instead, they will pay the amortized cost of the dinner table.

Home insurance also includes liability. This covers the costs of all injuries that occurred on your property. For example, if a friend or relative accidentally trips on a hose and turn the ankle, you can use liability insurance to pay for medical damages incurred to limited in the policy.One of the main reasons that owners also buy home insurance is that your mortgage company requires. In other words, until you pay the mortgage, the lender owns part of the house. Your lender wants protection while the house is security and require the purchase of at least a minimum level of insurance risk.Note that the basic home insurance does not cover everything. If you have expensive office equipment or save money at home, these items are not covered under any type of property insurance. Office equipment can be provided, but you will pay more for the addition of a complementary policy. In addition, basic home insurance only covers certain types of natural disasters.In flood and earthquake prone areas like Louisiana and California, homeowners insurance does not automatically cover these natural disasters. Instead, you need to purchase additional coverage for floods and earthquakes. Also, if you live in an old house or the owner of an old building is severely damaged, the new reconstruction must follow the building code standards. Your insurance company, however, is not obligated to pay for all the new changes. It is important to have a broker who has experience and a wide range of businesses to provide enough quotes to make the best choice.

Property Versus Shares

Property Versus Shares
If you did not ask, you probably heard that up - "So what is the best investment, property or shares? Forum is typically a backyard barbecue with friends and family and of course it will be interesting to some ardent supporters of one asset class to another, is added to the mixture of its two hundred dollars turned home wisdom.
Property Versus Shares
After hearing too many uninformed answers to this question, I decided to write this short article describing my views on the subject. As an investor of real estate investors and qualified financial planner I hope to give you a more intuitive than what you may have heard in the previous answer.

First let's take a look at the reasons for investing in real estate and stocks, respectively.

Reasons to Invest in Property

Easier to understand 

- Property investment is generally easier to understand that social investment. While real estate investing requires a certain level of sophistication, which does not require the same level of expertise that share investment.


- Property investment provides tangible evidence that your hard earned money goes. It is much more rewarding hike through property investment in the aisles of a Woolworths store in which you are a shareholder.


- Investing in property offers investors a greater level of control over your investment. When making investment decisions influence property has total investment compared to stock investor whose influence is as great as their right to vote.

Potential to add value 

 - The property offers an investor the opportunity to improve its value is the renovation or development. This feature is not available for actions short of becoming a board member or create your own publicly traded company.

High gearing 

- Property that relatively small amounts of money to investors to gain exposure to relatively large assets. The property is a unique form of security for banks and in some cases can be fully funded without recourse beyond the property. Shares on the other hand are usually funded up to 70% and the lender has recourse through margin calls against the investor in the LVR is violated.

Low volatility

  - The property has always provided low volatility relative to equities, despite the rarity of valuation bias the results.

High long term returns

  - The property has always provided high returns over the long term, especially compared to fixed interest and cash.

Tax efficiency 

 - The property has a high degree of tax efficiency for a number of reasons. First, the returns are composed of a growth component that can be imposed on preferential terms (if held for more than 12 months) with the reduction of capital gains taxes. Second, the property can be strongly oriented resulting in a high deductible interest component. Third, the property allows the deduction of depreciation of a component for the construction of the slab and equipment that improves performance after taxes.

Reasons to Invest in Shares

High liquidity 

 - Stocks often provide greater liquidity to the property. While a line of credit secured by a property can help with the problem, which is not always desirable to increase loans when you need the money.

High Divisibility 

- A stock portfolio is much easier to divide a property portfolio as well as small amounts of cash requires an investor can sell shares for a similar value of shares when a real estate investor is forced to sell a property.

Low minimum investment 

- Stocks offer the opportunity to invest small amounts of money from the property. If you only have $ 5,000 to invest you will not have trouble finding stocks to buy, but good luck finding an investment property for that amount of money.

Low transaction costs 

- Actions involve transaction costs well below those assets. The only costs involved in intermediation shares are traded both in the acquisition and disposition. Property change involves stamp duty, statutory inspections and in relation to the purchase and sale commission legal advertising, agent.

Low ongoing costs 

- Actions involve significantly lower cost of ownership. Indeed, direct participation involves no ongoing costs, while the property may involve community costs, insurance, property taxes, rental costs, maintenance costs, management fees, rates and repair costs.


 - Due to the decline in share price in relation to the property, it is possible to achieve greater diversification by investing their money in stocks. For example, if you have $ 100,000 to invest, you can choose to issue $ 5,000 in packs of 20 companies from 20 different market sectors. For an equivalent amount of money you would have the opportunity to buy a property without a team.

Timely performance appraisal 

 - The shares of listed companies allow investors to make a rapid assessment of the quality and performance of your portfolio. The investor of action may simply call your broker or see your portfolio value online when the real estate investor has to obtain market valuations and appraisals or all of their property before assessing the performance and value of its portfolio.

High long term returns 

 - Like the real estate stocks have historically provided higher returns over the long term, especially in comparison with fixed interest and cash.

Tax efficiency 

- The shares have a high degree of tax efficiency for a number of reasons. First, the returns are composed of a growth component that can be imposed on preferential terms (if held for more than 12 months) with the reduction of capital gains taxes. Second, actions can be relatively buoyant resulting in a relatively high deductible interest component. Third, many Australian stocks offer dividends franking credits that can be used to compensate investors with tax obligations. In other words, income per fully paid share dividends provides a tax free income to investors of the action in the marginal tax rate of 30%.

The Returns

At the end of the day you can have all the benefits we have spoken, but the bottom of most investors yields. Although we all know that past performance is no guarantee of future results, we are still interested in how they played the asset classes in the past. So now let's turn our attention to the property and share the historical returns.

Over the years, I have seen both sides of the ardent supporters of research in the air waving camp support its assertion that the preferred asset class has always offered the best performance. Some have shares owned and some have slightly exceeding slightly surpassing shares or property taxes on or before the tax base station.

How is this possible you may ask? Well, back to the period of evaluation of research. As with all other asset classes, real estate securities and stocks move in cycles. It is therefore logical that the measurement period that incorporates more peaks and valleys less provide superior performance for the period. Due to the property and generally actions do not move in harmony with each other, each have peaks and valleys at different times of the cycle. Different periods of measures that capture and therefore can provide significant variations in the results.

These are the results of a report commissioned by ASX Perrin Cities. The evaluation period is only one year apart and used for a considerable amount of time to provide the most relevant information.
10 Years To December 2003
Property 12.7%
Shares 8.0%
20 Years To December 2003
Property 15.1%
Shares 11.7%
10 Years To December 2004
Property 11.6%
Shares 11.7%
To December 2004
Property 12.9%
Shares 13.2%
Source: ASX Investment sector performance report Perrin Cities

So what can we do with these results. Okay, enough with that property and shares each provided a long-term relatively high beyond all other traditional asset classes provide.


Property or shares? Given the comparability of historical returns and the many benefits they have everything it should be obvious that the question should not be owned or actions, but rather how and what parts of the property.

So next time you're at a barbecue and misinformed friends pipes up near the property or shares is far superior to the other, be kind to them their ignorance and encourage them to seek professional help finance!

Oh, and when it comes to buying merchandise for your portfolio, do not pay the retail price as everyone else, to acquire property intelligently by extending absolute costs developers. It's easier than you think .